Spurring Internal Innovation: Health Transformation Lab

Published on August 21, 2018


Featured at the 2018 Crowd Academy, Dr. Maulik Majmudar from the Healthcare Transformation Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital provided an overview of how they have used contests to engage their diverse workforce over a four-year period to identify and test novel ideas in order to solve a wide range of problems.


Maulik D. Majmudar, M.D.

Maulik Majmudar is the director of the Aetna Foundation Fellows Program in Healthcare Innovation. He is also the associate director in the Healthcare Transformation Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital, as well as an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School.

At MGH, Majmudar helped to launch the Healthcare Transformation Lab, with the mission of improving the experience and value of healthcare through collaborative innovation. “We really wanted to change the internal culture around innovation and focus our efforts on the validation and implementation of digital health solutions,” explains Majmudar of this initiative.

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